• Home Remedies,  Products I Can't Live Without!

    How I Stopped Fever Blisters From Ruining My Life

    And here is my story. Like most teenage girls I was extremely focused on my appearance. I was a pageant girl chasing the dream. There were proms, formals, and homecomings; you know the teenage life. There was one little thing that could ruin it all, a slight tingle near my lip. This tingle was a guarantee the next week would be miserable. Be honest, when you see a person with a festering, gaping sore on their mouth, several terrible adjectives come to mind: nasty, infectious, and promiscuous. How embarrassing! For whatever reason, mine seemed to spread and move towards my nose and down my chin. On top of this, they…

  • My Genius Curl Spray
    Products I Can't Live Without!

    My Genius Curl Spray

    What are the best products for curly hair? This is a loaded question, of course. Multiple factors influence the health and appearance of each individual’s hair. However, after a long-anticipated curl journey, I have discovered this genius curl spray that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg; and it works. I will admit I have purchased an embarrassing number of curly hair products over this past year. Initially, curl cream was my product of choice. Creams provided moisture and soft beautiful curls. Unfortunately, the creams were not enough. My hair looked okay, not great. Of course, I wanted great hair, who doesn’t? After reading multiple posts and articles, I purchased…

  • Granny's Product Reviews!,  Home Remedies


    Are you searching for an easy way to beat a cold? The next time you begin noticing signs of a pesky cold, this method may bring some much-needed relief. Doesn’t it seem like we get sick at the worst times? There’s nothing worse than being sick during the holidays or right before a big event. Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us. However, there is one remedy that is extremely effective for beating a cold. It is not discussed very often for some unknown reason. I am here to share this incredible home remedy that may prevent your next nasty cold. 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Back when I…

  • Terrah's Fables

    The Sister Tales

    Sometimes things aren’t exactly as they seem. Growing up alongside two other girls and my mother certainly felt like a full house. In our rather small middle-class home, a throwdown was instigated by one of us every morning. Feminine products, hot rollers, lipstick, and rapid sequential showers filled our mornings and led to some serious girl fights. Most of the time we ran around the house like four wild gypsies. Our faithful leader, my mother, resembled more of an older sister. She was admittedly at times immature. I am the oldest girl, the bossiest and maybe the most selfish. My two younger sisters had very contrasting personalities. The middle sister…

  • Granny's Product Reviews!

    A Must-Have Trick For Shaving

    Remember when bathing felt luxurious? It was more than a necessity. Time was not an issue. No one interrupted you while bubbles and delicious soaps filled your warm bath. Kids weren’t banging on the bathroom door and husbands weren’t coming in and out for poop breaks. Times have changed ladies. Nowadays, baths and showers are something we just squeeze in when we can. High hopes of bath bombs and essential oils turn into simple insignificant showers. Shaving my legs is the part that I personally dread. Especially when I realize I’m fresh out of shaving cream. Then I spend more time searching for a decent razor than I do actually…

  • Granny's Product Reviews!

    Anew Power Serum Review

    Well, Avon did it again. This incredible product surprised me with some amazing results. Here is my Avon Anew Power Serum review! Before we get into that, let’s talk about the difference between serums and creams. In this article by Shelley Levitt from WebMD, she says, “The biggest difference between a serum and a cream or lotion is what the formulation doesn’t include.” Creams are nice for moisturizing the skin. A really good serum will brighten and protect the skin. They are lightweight and full of antioxidants that brighten and protect the skin. If you have extremely oily skin, you may find a serum is perfect for your complexion. What Can a…

  • Uncategorized


    Is your hair curly? I’m assuming so because you are reading this. Maybe your daughter’s hair is curly and you are looking for a few tips. I have experimented like a wild woman for the last twelve months with countless products and multiple techniques. All of my efforts eventually helped maximize my curls and bring them back from the dead. There are endless tutorials, videos and Facebook groups that focus on curly hair transformations. After a year of extensive research and dedication to my hair, I am here to share the best tips I learned along the way. #1. Consider your hairs needs Determining what your hair is craving will…

  • Products I Can't Live Without!

    Products I Can’t Live Without!

    Who wants to save money and time? Everyone of course! In this particular category, I will share with you products that I can’t live without. With your feedback, we can help each other by reviewing amazing products that we love. Instead of buying and tossing, we can actually buy products that we know work! I have tried thousands of beauty, nail, hair, and skin products over my life time. When I find something that does wonders, I want to share the news with everyone!  Keeping those items a secret doesn’t do anyone any good! I hope you all join me on my journey in finding products that work!

  • Products I Can't Live Without!

    5 Major Reasons to use the Aztec Secret Healing Clay Mask

    Once in a while, I stumble upon beauty products that are so amazing I want to share them with everybody. When this happens it’s like the beauty Gods are sprinkling their magic happy dust into my shopping cart. Facial masks are incredibly trendy right now. Each shopping trip I discover a new mask that promises to tighten, firm, and detox my face. Of course, they are creatively packaged and look oh so tempting to try. The reality of it is that the pretty packaging doesn’t always equal such pretty results. Recently I was introduced to a new kind of facial mask. Multiple friends were recommending this product, and of course,…