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How I Stopped Fever Blisters From Ruining My Life

And here is my story. Like most teenage girls I was extremely focused on my appearance. I was a pageant girl chasing the dream. There were proms, formals, and homecomings; you know the teenage life.

There was one little thing that could ruin it all, a slight tingle near my lip. This tingle was a guarantee the next week would be miserable. Be honest, when you see a person with a festering, gaping sore on their mouth, several terrible adjectives come to mind: nasty, infectious, and promiscuous. How embarrassing!

For whatever reason, mine seemed to spread and move towards my nose and down my chin. On top of this, they were so very uncomfortable. The itching and pain are enough to drive a person crazy. Believe me, concealer and lipstick don’t cut it. It’s a nightmare!

Fast Forward to adulthood, I still hated these painful monsters. Then, my teenage daughter developed herpes simplex virus 1. I looked the internet over in hopes of finding some little known homeopathic cure. I even tried those tiny laser lights. You know, those red lights the cats love to chase. I read the light could penetrate the skin and possibly kill the virus. After my failed attempt there, I began reading into some random medical studies. One study I found was applying a gentle shock directly to the fever blisters. They noticed a significant reduction in severity. This seemed plausible.

After reading this study, I tried to think about everything I could use to shock my fever blister without electrocuting myself. The things we do sometimes. I won’t even go there…

When it Began

As a Christmas gift in 2015, my mother bought me a DermaWand. The device was marketed as an advanced radio high-frequency beauty treatment. It claimed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, lines, puffy eyes, and large pores. I was extremely excited to see the potential of this product. Little did I know, it would prove to be a magical life-changing device.


I was solely using it for the anti-aging benefits. Plus, it throws off a pleasant smell. I even got the bright idea it could possibly plump my lips. So, several times a week I would use it to create fuller-looking lips.

After that, about a year passed and it occurred to me, I hadn’t had a fever blister. What the Hell? Then, I realized what was happening.

With just my results I couldn’t be sure. I decided to recruit four family members and a close family friend. Everyone used the wand during the first signs of a fever blister. Guess what? It worked.

The Amazing Results:

A couple of years passed and still no fever blisters. The only person in my control group that wasn’t completely 100% sold was my stepdad. This was because he waited too long after the blister had already erupted. However, once he started using it correctly, the healing was warp speed. He has learned not to delay.

Okay, here is the kicker. One of my volunteers had shingles several years before using the DermaWand. When she felt the pain, she immediately treated the area with her DermaWand and the shingles never surfaced. Is this amazing? Oh yeah, imagine all the people that could benefit from this non-invasive treatment.

I want to reiterate that I am in no way connected to the inventor or owners of the DermaWand. I am only a consumer that got a super bonus from their product. Over the past few years, I have tried in vain to share this information with the company. It seems they’re just too busy to listen.

A Real Miracle

So normally when people share such amazing information there is a catch or a gimmick; not this time people. This is a real-life miracle! The ironic part is that the DermaWand is out there right now and nobody knows about these fascinating benefits. This is Crazy!

Yesterday I joined a Facebook support group for people who suffer from the Herpes Virus I & II. I was heartbroken as I read through hundreds of their posts and stories. These people are living in agony. I decided the honest thing to do now was expose my magic secret. Of course, I initially hoped to be compensated or at least recognized by the DermaWand Company. I find it extremely odd that I am the person who discovered this information and not the makers.

So here it is… This is an incredible breakthrough that can drastically change lives. I do have a Facebook group that shares peculiar beauty methods and tricks. We post some awesome stuff on there, but nowhere close to this unheard secret.

I am not a medical professional. I am simply sharing my story in hopes of changing your life. The DermaWand is safe to use, even around the eyes according to the manufacturer’s instructions. I would think it would be safe to use on “any” part of the body that is affected by herpes or shingles.

Today is October 31st, 2019 and I have found no other person making any such claim. From the bottom of my heart, I hope this brings you some relief and makes your life a little happier.


  • Christina

    Wow this is really interesting! I’ve suffered from these since elementary school and I hate them! So painful and unattractive. Now that the seasons are changing I’m sure I’ll be getting one in the next few months. I’ll have to try this out! Thanks for sharing.

    • admin

      It is unfortunate that the virus causes so many unpleasant effects. I would love to hear your thoughts on it after a few months of use. Thank you for commenting Christina!!

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