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A Peculiar Method For Beautiful Skin

A few years ago, my younger sister began aggressively seeking out the perfect hair removal technique. She was no stranger to tweezing and waxing. However, she wanted a more effective method. Then one day she discovered a peculiar new approach. This new find revolutionized her entire beauty routine. The magical tool she found was called a Straight Edge Razor. Yes, the name sounds scary. However, don’t let it fool you. If men can easily tackle these sharp-edged razors, so can we.

It took my sister only a few shaves to realize how incredible this razor was. She recommended I try it, but I was extremely hesitant. I didn’t feel safe handling a razor that reminded me of something Michael Myers should be chasing people around with.

My second concern was the regrowth of hair. Wouldn’t the hair grow back rougher and darker in color? Good grief, that’s all I needed; a dark hairy mustache to compliment my unstoppable maturing skin.

However, my little sister’s face continued to look better than ever. Her skin was plump, soft and more youthful in appearance. She began getting tons of compliments from co-workers and friends. Everyone wanted to know what anti-aging cream she was using on her face. Well, this got me thinking, and of course, I had to see for myself.

*It is important to note that this post includes affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase via links in this post, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. With this being said, I only post and review products that I absolutely love and have personally used.

Professional Straight Edge Razor

So, one random night I decided to take the plunge. It took me a minute to figure out where to begin. It was obvious I would need quality lighting and a decent mirror to get the job done. Thankfully, my vanity had both. I tightly held the razor as though I was holding an explosive device that could combust at any moment. With careful hands, I began lightly shaving around my chin and cheek area The amount of fuzz accumulating from just a few strokes astonished me! How in the world did I not realize this much hair was growing on my face?

Needless to say, I was hooked on this new beauty tool. With each use, I became more and more at ease handling this magic razor. I couldn’t believe how awesome my skin looked. There was even a dark spot on my forehead that began to vanish after multiple shaves.

So why would I ever go back to waxing now? Especially after a previous wax spill that had me on my knees scrubbing for two miserable hours.

Tips for Shaving:

*Do not shave if you have cuts, rashes or acne on your face.

*Wash your face! Use your favorite cleanser or soap for this step. Remove all makeup and residue that could irritate your face during the shave.

*Use a sharp blade for shaving. A dull blade may leave unwanted nicks or cuts on your face.

*Shaving gel or cream should be used for sensitive skin types.

*Pull your skin taught while shaving, especially around delicate areas.

*Use caution when shaving and take your time.

*Shave once per week for a flawless complexion!

*Witch hazel or an astringent may be used after shaving is complete.

*Apply a gentle moisturizer or face oil to soothe freshly shaved skin.

What are the benefits of shaving?

Shaving is quick and effective

No appointment needed! Shave in the privacy of your own home. If you notice unwanted hair, grab your handy dandy razor. Within three minutes you will see results!

Easier than painful plucking

Tweezers are convenient for plucking sparse hairs that pop up on our chins, but they are not sufficient for diminishing unwanted peach fuzz.

Hairs will not grow back darker or coarser

Don’t worry about looking like a scary werewolf ladies! This was a concern of mine when beginning. Thankfully, I can say there was not a difference in color or texture of new hair growth.

Your foundation will look flawless on your new baby face!

Your makeup will glide on so smoothly and look fantastic! This is reason enough to give it a try.

So ladies, if your searching for a new approach in achieving beautiful skin, give this a chance! Let me know what your results are in the comments.

This is so satisfying watch!

What a difference a good shave makes!

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