Products for cold hands and feet
Products I Can't Live Without!

Cold Hands and Feet: 3 Genius Products For Winter

Bermuda…Bahama…Come on Pretty Mama… Oh, how I wish I was laying on a warm sandy beach right now. I can imagine the tropical breeze and hot sun shining across my reptilian body. My cold hands and feet are warm and I’m in paradise.

For me, winter seems like a punishment at times. (Did I mention my hands are so cold right now I can hardly type.) I find myself watching the weather channel anticipating the inevitable frigid temperatures. It takes a great effort to keep warm.

Thankfully, I stumbled upon 3 genius products that will be very beneficial for you during the impending cold weather ahead.

When I was a teenager, I remember my friends wanting to play outside for hours on snow days. School would be canceled, hot chocolate would be brewing and everyone was in a good mood. Not me, I wanted to hide inside and drink my hot cocoa.

Then, I became an adult and continued to have the same setbacks I faced during my younger years. Except now I have a child who is just like the kids I once played with; she loves the snow. Thankfully, my husband tolerates winter weather much better than I do and makes a good looking Frosty the Snowman.

Outside of the home, I try to avoid uncomfortable situations. A simple handshake can be an obstacle for me. When the sun is shining and the temps are good, no problem. However, on a cold winter day, I doubt my little popsicle fingers make a great first impression.

Usually, my go-to phrase for this is “Cold hands, warm heart.” It doesn’t change the temperature of my hands but somehow saying this makes me feel better. It’s like I have to explain myself. Silly isn’t it?

At least no one has to touch my cold toes. My feet are always bundled up in thick fuzzy socks. Even though my toenails are sparking pink, they stay hidden for my eyes only.

Now that you know I’m secretly a lizard and hardly a warm- blooded human, you may be wondering what my remedies are for keeping my hands and feet warm.

*It is important to note that this post includes affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase via links in this post, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. With this being said, I only post and review products that I absolutely love and have personally used.

Epsom Salt Soak

Epsom Salt Bath for Cold Hands and Feet

Just recently I discovered Epsom Salts. These amazing little salts are a type of mineral compound made from magnesium sulfate. Epsom salts can help alleviate many ailments including relieving muscle pain, boosting blood circulation and fighting infection.

A relaxing Epsom salt bath is an amazing method for warming my body when nothing else seems to work. Here is one way to make your very own Epsom salt bath. Your cold hands and feet will thank you for trying this method.


Get ready to warm up and relax!

  1. Fill the tub with hot water.
  2. Pour at least two cups of Epsom Salt in your bathwater. Undress and turn up your favorite music.
  3. Soak in the bath for around 30 minutes. (This is dependent upon your personal preference.)
  4. Make sure to slowly get out of the tub to prevent becoming light-headed. So, don’t jump out of the bath like a mad man, take it slow and easy. I haven’t had any issues with becoming light-headed yet.
  5. Drink lots of water to hydrate after your relaxing bath is over.

Rechargeable Hand Warmer

Rechargeable Hand Warmer for Cold Hands

This is such a genius invention! The Jomst Rechargeable Hand Warmer is double-sided and will start heating your hands within 3 seconds! There are multiple temperature settings as well.

The handwarmer also has light indicators that detect the battery level to ensure plenty of juice is left to last through your day. It is shockproof, radiation-free and explosion-proof!

Another benefit is the sleek style. It easily fits comfortably in your hand and can be carried around in your coat pocket or purse. My husband bought the hand warmer for me last year and it was a total game-changer. I’m loving it so much I plan on buying a second so I have one for each hand.

Electric Car Blanket

Electric Car Blanket

There is nothing cozier than snuggling under a warm heated blanket on a freezing winter day. This amazing product is a must-have for all my cold-blooded readers. It is especially awesome for those of you who plan on taking a long road trip this winter.

The Electric Car Blanket plugs into your cigarette lighter and has a 96-inch cord that allows the blanket to reach even into your backseat. What an amazing way to keep the kids warm while driving to Grandma’s house for Christmas.

I remember my own grandmother’s electric blanket would feel so snug and warm. I could have laid underneath it all day. Now there is a heated blanket made just for our cars. Wow, have times changed!

Of course, there are several other ways to warm your cold hands and feet. Gloves and boots are essential. I usually end up with 10 mismatched gloves floating around my house. I’ll have a black glove on one hand and a red one on the other. But, my cold hands know no difference!

On a side note, HotHands Hand Warmers are convenient to use while working outside or just sitting at a football game. You will have at least 8-10 hours of natural long-lasting heat. I have a few of these stuffed in my jacket right now.

Hand Warmers for Cold Hands
HotHands Hand Warmers – Long Lasting Safe Natural Odorless Air Activated Warmers – Up to 10 Hours of Heat – 20

I sincerely hope these products will bring some warmth into your life. Until my sweet dreams of sunny summer days are back I will continue to search for more ideas and products to heat my little lizard body. Please share with me your favorite method or products that keep you warm during this cold winter season.

For other awesome products I love check this out!


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