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    Teen Boredom-8 Clever Things for Teens to do at Home

    Pin8ShareTweet8 SharesIf you’ve got a teenager who’s driving you crazy from boredom, believe me, you are not alone. So, to make life a little more tolerable, here are 8 clever things for teens to do at home. Unfortunately, families everywhere are scrambling to come up with ideas to maintain some normalcy in their households during this difficult time. So, what’s the fix? I started thinking back to the days when I was a young girl. What kept my sisters and me busy on long days when school was out? Social media was not around and YouTube would have been a dream come true in the 1990s. Now, here we are…

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    Stay at Home: Fun DIY Activities for Moms and Daughters

    Pin14Share7Tweet21 SharesAre you searching for fun DIY activities to spice up the day? There is nothing more special than the bond between a mother and her daughter. Unfortunately, time can move so quickly that in a blink of an eye our precious little girls develop into mature women. I suppose that’s just how life goes. With that said, many of us now are being given the gift of time. This is an incredible chance to spend quality time with your daughter, a time that you may never forget. So let’s dig in! I will be sharing some DIY activities that will not only strengthen your mother-daughter relationship, but they will…

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    Why Your Curly Hair Products are Not Working

    Pin6KShare61Tweet6K SharesSo, I discovered something last week. Honestly, I’m a little embarrassed to say that I didn’t try this ridiculously simple trick months ago. If your hair has been misbehaving lately (like mine has) you should keep reading! This shocking discovery has completely rocked my curly world!! Let’s talk about why our curly hair products may not be working for us. *It is important to note that this post includes affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase via links in this post, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. With this being said, I only post and review products that I absolutely…

  • Communication Hacks

    Deceptive Seduction: Make Someone Fall in Love with You

    Pin151Share30Tweet181 SharesI can imagine what you’re thinking right now: you can’t make someone fall in love with you! Isn’t that up to fate, the universe, magic, or Chris Harrison on The Bachelor? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am not a magic genie, but I do have a few tricks that will significantly increase the odds to make someone fall in love with you. Let’s start with a few scenarios to give you a better idea of what I’m talking about. We will use the name Marsha for the heck of it. Scenario #1 Marsha is a desperate, single woman looking for love in all the wrong places. Her go-to spot…

  • How To Tell Someone They Smell
    Communication Hacks,  Uncategorized

    How to Tell Someone They Smell

    Pin27Share34Tweet61 SharesPicture this, you’re sitting at work and suddenly you get a whiff of an overpowering aroma. The stench of sliced onions and curdled milk begins moving closer to your desk. Immediately, you realize what is funking up the office; it’s your co-worker, again. Well, folks, it might be time to speak up. If you’re ready, here’s an effective way how to tell someone they smell and get away with it. *It is important to note that this post includes affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase via links in this post, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. With this being…

  • The Downside of Christmas Pets
    Terrah's Fables,  Uncategorized

    The Downside of Christmas Pets

    Pin3Share40Tweet43 SharesThere is nothing sweeter than seeing your child’s face light up on Christmas morning when a brand new puppy jumps into his or her arms. This is an incredible moment, almost unforgettable. You think, life is great, or is it? Not trying to be a “Debbie Downer,” but we should talk about the Downside of Christmas Pets. Here’s the thing, everyone’s searching for the perfect gift to top last year’s Christmas. But, for some reason, it keeps getting harder to find. A new pet is not always a magical fix for this problem. My mother would spend months searching for the perfect kitten or puppy to rock my world…

  • Magic Curly Hair Tips
    Products I Can't Live Without!,  Uncategorized

    My Magic Curly Hair Tips

    Pin260ShareTweet260 SharesDon’t you hate it when you spend hours on your curly hair and you’re still not happy with it? What a mood killer. When this situation happens, we usually revert to a crappy ponytail, or of course, the famous messy bun. Not doing that anymore! My Magic Curly Hair Tips will perk up your curls and give you a fresh new attitude! Before I get into that, we should remember curly hair is not created equal. My niece was gifted with the most beautiful thick head of curly hair I’ve ever seen. Her hair is so thick; it takes tons of product to coat all of her curls. Then,…

  • Is Lash Lift Worth IT?

    Is Lash Lift Worth It?: An Honest Review

    Pin7ShareTweet7 SharesLonging for big beautiful ooh la la lashes? Who doesn’t, right? If you are thinking about scheduling your first appointment for a Lash Lift, you will want to read this! Is Lash Lift Worth It? We all know big bold sultry lashes have been trending more than ever lately. No wonder we keep seeing hundreds of new mascaras advertised all over the place. They all promise to transform our lashes into ones that would make any daddy long-leg spider jealous. Unfortunately, our lashes never look like the pictures we see on the magazine covers. This is where the Lash Lift (eyelash perming) may come in handy. What Is A…

  • The Loss of a pet
    Terrah's Fables


    Pin5Share60Tweet65 SharesBy Dara Pena A story of love, loss and healing through the eyes of my child. It was hard not to look away from his golden, sunshine eyes contrasting against his midnight fur. They say only dogs can really look into your eyes, but I disagree. My feline could gaze into my soul and know exactly what I was thinking. Even though I couldn’t talk to him and receive an answer, we still had a connection. It wasn’t my friends, my teachers or my parents, but it was him who taught me how to forgive. Opening my eyes to a caliginous kitten on Christmas morning was a day I…

  • Products for cold hands and feet
    Products I Can't Live Without!

    Cold Hands and Feet: 3 Genius Products For Winter

    Pin20Share7Tweet27 SharesBermuda…Bahama…Come on Pretty Mama… Oh, how I wish I was laying on a warm sandy beach right now. I can imagine the tropical breeze and hot sun shining across my reptilian body. My cold hands and feet are warm and I’m in paradise. For me, winter seems like a punishment at times. (Did I mention my hands are so cold right now I can hardly type.) I find myself watching the weather channel anticipating the inevitable frigid temperatures. It takes a great effort to keep warm. Thankfully, I stumbled upon 3 genius products that will be very beneficial for you during the impending cold weather ahead. When I was…

  • Products I Can't Live Without!

    Holy Grail Curly Hair Products

    Pin479ShareTweet479 SharesThis one goes out to all the wavy-curly girls. After tons of experimentation, we finally discovered a magic routine to turn wavy into curly. Find out which Holy Grail Curly Hair Products to use and how to apply them for poppin curls! Let’s Dig In! By the way, my gorgeous teenage daughter Dara gets all the credit for this clever method. So how did she pull this off? The method consists of Dara’s three Holy Grail Curly Hair Products (placed in a triangle shape. ) Her goal was to make things as easy as possible and get good curls while doing it. She even named it her “Holy Grail…

  • Products I Can't Live Without!


    Pin12ShareTweet12 SharesIf your searching for an amazing self-tanner, I have something for you! Who doesn’t want a little extra glow? Well, maybe not everyone, but it can do wonders for your appearance. This is most definitely an Amazing Self Tanner! A few years ago, I discovered an awesome self-tanner called TanWise. I picked it up at my local Sally Beauty Supply. Usually, many tanning lotions reek with the pungent smell of cardboard and Ramen Noodles. However, this particular formula was different. There was no funky odor! The greatest benefit is you will see immediate results. In less than one hour your tan is there, right in the privacy of your…

  • Home Remedies,  Products I Can't Live Without!

    How I Stopped Fever Blisters From Ruining My Life

    Pin18Share6Tweet24 SharesAnd here is my story. Like most teenage girls I was extremely focused on my appearance. I was a pageant girl chasing the dream. There were proms, formals, and homecomings; you know the teenage life. There was one little thing that could ruin it all, a slight tingle near my lip. This tingle was a guarantee the next week would be miserable. Be honest, when you see a person with a festering, gaping sore on their mouth, several terrible adjectives come to mind: nasty, infectious, and promiscuous. How embarrassing! For whatever reason, mine seemed to spread and move towards my nose and down my chin. On top of this,…

  • My Genius Curl Spray
    Products I Can't Live Without!

    My Genius Curl Spray

    Pin8KShareTweet8K SharesWhat are the best products for curly hair? This is a loaded question, of course. Multiple factors influence the health and appearance of each individual’s hair. However, after a long-anticipated curl journey, I have discovered this genius curl spray that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg; and it works. I will admit I have purchased an embarrassing number of curly hair products over this past year. Initially, curl cream was my product of choice. Creams provided moisture and soft beautiful curls. Unfortunately, the creams were not enough. My hair looked okay, not great. Of course, I wanted great hair, who doesn’t? After reading multiple posts and articles, I…

  • Granny's Product Reviews!,  Home Remedies


    Pin6ShareTweet6 SharesAre you searching for an easy way to beat a cold? The next time you begin noticing signs of a pesky cold, this method may bring some much-needed relief. Doesn’t it seem like we get sick at the worst times? There’s nothing worse than being sick during the holidays or right before a big event. Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us. However, there is one remedy that is extremely effective for beating a cold. It is not discussed very often for some unknown reason. I am here to share this incredible home remedy that may prevent your next nasty cold. 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Back when…

  • Granny's Product Reviews!

    A Must-Have Trick For Shaving

    Pin6Share3Tweet9 SharesRemember when bathing felt luxurious? It was more than a necessity. Time was not an issue. No one interrupted you while bubbles and delicious soaps filled your warm bath. Kids weren’t banging on the bathroom door and husbands weren’t coming in and out for poop breaks. Times have changed ladies. Nowadays, baths and showers are something we just squeeze in when we can. High hopes of bath bombs and essential oils turn into simple insignificant showers. Shaving my legs is the part that I personally dread. Especially when I realize I’m fresh out of shaving cream. Then I spend more time searching for a decent razor than I do…

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    Pin1KShare3Tweet1K SharesIs your hair curly? I’m assuming so because you are reading this. Maybe your daughter’s hair is curly and you are looking for a few tips. I have experimented like a wild woman for the last twelve months with countless products and multiple techniques. All of my efforts eventually helped maximize my curls and bring them back from the dead. There are endless tutorials, videos and Facebook groups that focus on curly hair transformations. After a year of extensive research and dedication to my hair, I am here to share the best tips I learned along the way. #1. Consider your hairs needs Determining what your hair is craving…

  • Products I Can't Live Without!

    5 Major Reasons to use the Aztec Secret Healing Clay Mask

    Pin78Share25Tweet103 SharesOnce in a while, I stumble upon beauty products that are so amazing I want to share them with everybody. When this happens it’s like the beauty Gods are sprinkling their magic happy dust into my shopping cart. Facial masks are incredibly trendy right now. Each shopping trip I discover a new mask that promises to tighten, firm, and detox my face. Of course, they are creatively packaged and look oh so tempting to try. The reality of it is that the pretty packaging doesn’t always equal such pretty results. Recently I was introduced to a new kind of facial mask. Multiple friends were recommending this product, and of…

  • Products I Can't Live Without!

    A Peculiar Method For Beautiful Skin

    Pin4ShareTweet4 SharesA few years ago, my younger sister began aggressively seeking out the perfect hair removal technique. She was no stranger to tweezing and waxing. However, she wanted a more effective method. Then one day she discovered a peculiar new approach. This new find revolutionized her entire beauty routine. The magical tool she found was called a Straight Edge Razor. Yes, the name sounds scary. However, don’t let it fool you. If men can easily tackle these sharp-edged razors, so can we. It took my sister only a few shaves to realize how incredible this razor was. She recommended I try it, but I was extremely hesitant. I didn’t feel…

  • Curl Cream Fine Hair
    Products I Can't Live Without!

    My Must-Have Curl Cream for Fine Hair

    Pin4KShareTweet4K SharesAre you sick of searching for the perfect curl cream for your fine curly hair? Well, you have landed in the right spot! After tons of experimentation, I finally ended my search last year and discovered one of the most amazing creams for fine curly hair! The best part is that it only takes a small amount to get beautiful results! A little goes a long way. *It is important to note that this post includes affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase via links in this post, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. With this being said, I only…