My Magic Curly Hair Tips
Don’t you hate it when you spend hours on your curly hair and you’re still not happy with it? What a mood killer. When this situation happens, we usually revert to a crappy ponytail, or of course, the famous messy bun. Not doing that anymore! My Magic Curly Hair Tips will perk up your curls and give you a fresh new attitude!
Before I get into that, we should remember curly hair is not created equal.
My niece was gifted with the most beautiful thick head of curly hair I’ve ever seen. Her hair is so thick; it takes tons of product to coat all of her curls.
Then, there’s my daughter, Dara. She has an exotic look. Dara is tall with dark wavy hair that flows down her back. Sometimes I feel like I’m raising my own real-life Barbie doll.
Unlike the other girls, my hair is fine in texture. I’m always searching for creative ways to boost volume and fight frizz. I don’t want flat mom hair; I want eye-catching hair. You know, the kind of hair that makes you do a double-take in Walmart while you’re grocery shopping. Like, when you see someone and think, oh my, look at that lady’s hair!
So, different hair types require different products and routines. In this article by Glamour, they explain how to determine your curl type and why it is important.
Here’s the thing though, curly hair is curly hair. Regardless of the texture or type, there are tips we can all benefit from.
Let’s dig in now! My Magic Curly Hair Tips will help whip your curls into shape in no time.
*It is important to note that this post includes affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase via links in this post, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. With this being said, I only post and review products that I absolutely love and have personally used.
#1 Use Personal Lubricant for Scrunching!

Are you scratching your head wondering, why in the heck would I put something made for my “lady parts” on my curly hair? Well, let me tell you why you should try it.
Personal lubricants are amazing for fighting frizz. The trick is to apply the lube before scrunching out your crunchy cast. It’s pretty simple. All you do is squeeze a dime size into your hand and scrunch scrunch scrunch!
One day when I was shopping around in Kroger, I passed by the feminine product aisle. To the right of me was the “personal product area.” I thought, “This is a good time to search for the lubricant I need for my hair.” So, I decided to stop and browse around.
Condoms, lubes, jellies and “special creams” filled a huge section of the isle. Good grief! There’s more variety here than in the tampon section!
I just stood there staring blankly at it all. Then, I began reading ingredients. Well, that’s where things got ridiculous. I guess I was hovering around that section too long because other customers started giving me strange looks. Finally, I found what I was looking for and got outta there.
It all made sense when I started trying it. Immediately I could see the difference in my curls; they looked so shiny! Now, I lube up my hair almost every day!
If you don’t like the first brand you try out, you can always use it for other things if you know what I mean.
I’m curious though, how did this peculiar technique even get started? This I do not know…but I bet it’s an interesting story!
Water-based Natural Lubricants
Sliquid Naturals Sassy Lubricating Gel, 8.5 Ounce
Good Clean Love : Almost Naked Personal Lubricant 2 Pack, 4 Ounce Bottles, Organic & Aloe-Based
#2. Apply Products to Extremely Wet Hair

Back when I used to style my curly hair, I had no idea what I was doing. I would wash my hair, use a towel to dry it, and then apply whatever products I laid my eyes on first. There was no rhyme or reason for anything I was doing.
Fast forward to 2019, I finally figured out what I’m doing.
Let me tell you, water is going to amp up your curl game way more than you could ever imagine. Curls tend to be dry and they need tons of hydration. So, you want your hair to be extremely wet before applying any of your products. This is crucial!
Unfortunately, I had no clue of this ridiculously basic concept until late last year.
What I hate is when I have to re-wet my whole head. I’m usually cold, and I don’t feel like sticking my head under the sink. Or, sometimes I’ll get distracted and wait entirely too long to apply my products.
Thankfully, having a nice spray bottle solves this problem. Fill it with water, and spray, spray, spray!
Just remember, the wetter the better! Your curls don’t have to be dripping wet, but close.
A Perfect Spray Bottle

#3. Try a Different Approach for Product Application
Get this…There are other techniques for applying curly hair products. It’s not all about scrunching. Here are 2 must-try methods that will transform your mediocre curls into sexy, plump ringlets.
Praying Hands

Praying Hands: This technique is one of my favorites. Essentially, the technique helps to coat a greater amount of hair. Just like praying hands, your hands will be placed together, but in between, you will hold a section of hair. Slide your hands from root to tip. Continue this motion until all the hair is coated.

Roping: For this technique, you will squeeze the product down your hair in a “roping” type motion. Just pretend your holding onto a rope and then squeeze! Roping will help to encourage clumps and coat the hair with your products. Once you finish roping, you should begin scrunching. So, Rope then Scrunch. Sounds silly, but it works!
#4. Use Your Senses

How much cream or gel is actually necessary? Here’s the secret. You need to use your senses.
Hear it, see it, feel it.
Listen for the squishy, sloppy wet sound while scrunching your hair. It has a funny sound, but that means your doing it right!
You should also be able to see and feel the moisture in your hair. Unfortunately, most hair will not curl without tons of product. Experimentation is the best way to determine how much product you need.
For extra help, check out this clever technique Manes by Mel explains in her video. It’s definitely worth a watch!
#5. It’s Okay To Brush Curly Hair
Don’t freak out yet. Everyone knows brushing curly hair is a No- No…However, brushing isn’t so terrible…unless your hair is dry. Don’t ever brush your dry curls!
Brushing is amazing for distributing product, unlike regular finger combing, which never fully coats the hair.
If you decide to brush in the shower, you will be fine, trust me. Just squeeze a bunch of conditioner on and slide a Wet Brush down your slippery hair. No problem!
A few weeks ago, I quit brushing my hair in the shower. I guess I moved the brush after cleaning my bathroom and forgot to put it back. Well, let me tell you, that was not a good idea. I could tell my curls were frizzier and less defined the next day.
The Denman Brush-An Amazing Tool for Styling Curls

The Wet Brush-A Perfect Brush for Detangling Curly Hair

#6. BTZ Curl Spray

Here’s the best curl spray I have ever used! The good thing is that the BTZ spray is affordable and amazing for juicing up limp, lazy curls. I can’t say enough about this product!
Check out this post to see how BTZ completely transformed my curls.

Now you have read My Magic Curly Hair Tips! I hope you feel more confident and super excited about styling your curly hair now. I would love to hear your best tips and tricks for keeping your curls looking beautiful.

Your making me wish I had curly hair ♥️
Thank you so much!
Sarah Martin
I really enjoyed reading all your tips and the easy access to purchasing all the great products. Can’t wait to see more of your great tips, tricks, and advice!
Thank you Sarah!