
Blog Fog

Good grief!!! For the past three hours, I have been blankly staring at my new website and impatiently waiting for a miracle to happen. High hopes of significant progress have now turned into several hours of rubbing my face and burning tired eyes. A pot of coffee and a mild headache have only increased my agitation at this moment. I am documenting this experience right now to provide fuel for my incredible drive to succeed. I want to move along quickly, time is not going to stop, and I pray I don’t quit trying. The past 24 hours I have found myself engulfed in the world wide web. I have ping-ponged between checking my email, watching tutorials, chatting with live help on my host site and seeking advice on social media pages. I am now patiently waiting for feedback that may ultimately change the course of my website’s future. The difference between succeeding and failing is that people who fail never try or never get started on anything. My life has been full of ideas and brainstorms. Unfortunately, the majority of those pretty darn good ideas never made it out of my head. This is different. Uncertainty is what holds people from moving forward. I am committing today to push forward and for once and not letting those negative thoughts block me from meeting my goals. So, for those of you reading this, keep chasing those rainbows, there just might be a pot of gold waiting for you. For now, I will be blogging along and moving closer to finding my pot of gold.


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