Granny's Product Reviews!,  Home Remedies


Are you searching for an easy way to beat a cold? The next time you begin noticing signs of a pesky cold, this method may bring some much-needed relief.

Doesn’t it seem like we get sick at the worst times? There’s nothing worse than being sick during the holidays or right before a big event.

Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us.

However, there is one remedy that is extremely effective for beating a cold. It is not discussed very often for some unknown reason.

I am here to share this incredible home remedy that may prevent your next nasty cold.

3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Only use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide

Back when I was younger, I felt like I couldn’t catch a break. I was sick all the time! Maybe it was due to working with small children. As much as I loved the little cuties, I didn’t love their germs.

Eventually, I began seeking out the easiest method to beat a cold.

Then, one day I found something so simple, and so cheap.

I discovered a doctor on YouTube explaining his seemingly magic way to prevent colds with hydrogen peroxide.

In his video, the doctor explained how your immune system determines if you are more susceptible to becoming sick, ( vitamin D absorption is a factor to be considered.)

Above all, the doctor expresses the importance of sleep and reducing sugar intake.

I realize my excessive brownie baking is not helping to prevent future colds.

Simple Trick To Treat Colds With Peroxide

Midway into the video, the peroxide method was explained. Essentially, by dropping a small amount of peroxide into your ear during the early onset of symptoms, you could potentially kick a cold.

After learning this information, I began experimenting.

I did feel a slight bubbling, but not always in both ears. In my opinion, the strong bubbling action was a sign that it was working. To my surprise, this method helped!

Similarly to this method, there are other uses for peroxide. In this article by Healthline, they discussed how to gargle with peroxide to soothe a sore throat.

Who knew there were so many amazing uses for hydrogen peroxide?

When To Start

You know those days when you feel perfectly fine, and the next day you wake up with a sore throat and slight cough? That would be the prime time to begin your treatment.

Of course, you should always consult with a physician if your symptoms have escalated or you develop a fever.


*Only use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide

My Final Thoughts

It is important to remember that certain variables may affect your results.

Your overall well-being and progression of symptoms should be considered before expecting any magic results.

*Remember to always consult with your doctor if you have a medical problem or become sick. The peroxide method is not a cure and is not meant to replace professional treatment.

This simple method is one that Granny especially loves. Watch how much better Granny felt after using her peroxide!

Granny Approved!

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