Granny's Product Reviews!

A Must-Have Trick For Shaving

Remember when bathing felt luxurious? It was more than a necessity. Time was not an issue. No one interrupted you while bubbles and delicious soaps filled your warm bath. Kids weren’t banging on the bathroom door and husbands weren’t coming in and out for poop breaks. Times have changed ladies.

Nowadays, baths and showers are something we just squeeze in when we can. High hopes of bath bombs and essential oils turn into simple insignificant showers.

Shaving my legs is the part that I personally dread. Especially when I realize I’m fresh out of shaving cream. Then I spend more time searching for a decent razor than I do actually shaving.

Recently I found an amazing new product on Amazon that has changed the way I shave. Its called a shaving sponge. This little beauty exfoliates, moisturizes, and lathers your body before shaving. Initially, I bought one for my mother. Her results were so remarkable that I had to get one of my own. The clever design was made to exfoliate on one side, and moisturize on the other. Such a perfect combo!

Shaving Soap Sponges


Many women are prone to ingrown hairs. This happens when a hair grows sideways and curls into your skin. Shaving and waxing will make you more susceptible to developing an ingrown hair. Exfoliating the skin is one method to prevent those nasty little hairs from going haywire on you. The sponge will scrub away those dead skin cells and stop those ingrown hairs from popping up. So, it’s a two for one. Toss your shaving cream out, and prevent ingrown hairs!

Unfortunately, I can’t give you back the good old days, but I can promise you will love this magic sponge. Granny tried it, and her legs have never looked better! Let us know what you think about the product!

Granny Approves the Soap Shaving Sponge!

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