Granny's Product Reviews!

Granny's beauty product reviews! Watch her dance when she loves a product!

  • Granny's Product Reviews!,  Home Remedies


    Are you searching for an easy way to beat a cold? The next time you begin noticing signs of a pesky cold, this method may bring some much-needed relief. Doesn’t it seem like we get sick at the worst times? There’s nothing worse than being sick during the holidays or right before a big event. Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us. However, there is one remedy that is extremely effective for beating a cold. It is not discussed very often for some unknown reason. I am here to share this incredible home remedy that may prevent your next nasty cold. 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Back when I…

  • Granny's Product Reviews!

    A Must-Have Trick For Shaving

    Remember when bathing felt luxurious? It was more than a necessity. Time was not an issue. No one interrupted you while bubbles and delicious soaps filled your warm bath. Kids weren’t banging on the bathroom door and husbands weren’t coming in and out for poop breaks. Times have changed ladies. Nowadays, baths and showers are something we just squeeze in when we can. High hopes of bath bombs and essential oils turn into simple insignificant showers. Shaving my legs is the part that I personally dread. Especially when I realize I’m fresh out of shaving cream. Then I spend more time searching for a decent razor than I do actually…

  • Granny's Product Reviews!

    Anew Power Serum Review

    Well, Avon did it again. This incredible product surprised me with some amazing results. Here is my Avon Anew Power Serum review! Before we get into that, let’s talk about the difference between serums and creams. In this article by Shelley Levitt from WebMD, she says, “The biggest difference between a serum and a cream or lotion is what the formulation doesn’t include.” Creams are nice for moisturizing the skin. A really good serum will brighten and protect the skin. They are lightweight and full of antioxidants that brighten and protect the skin. If you have extremely oily skin, you may find a serum is perfect for your complexion. What Can a…