Is your hair curly? I’m assuming so because you are reading this. Maybe your daughter’s hair is curly and you are looking for a few tips. I have experimented like a wild woman for the last twelve months with countless products and multiple techniques. All of my efforts eventually helped maximize my curls and bring them back from the dead.
There are endless tutorials, videos and Facebook groups that focus on curly hair transformations. After a year of extensive research and dedication to my hair, I am here to share the best tips I learned along the way.
#1. Consider your hairs needs
Determining what your hair is craving will start you heading in the right direction. Typically, when your hair looks stringy or dry it needs moisture. Deep conditioning hair masks or hot oil treatments are excellent for this problem.
When your hair is overly soft and lacks definition, your curls need protein. This was my issue a year ago. My curls were lifeless and lacked any hold. Protein was the missing element in my curly hair routine. I eventually learned to use protein-rich stylers and treatments. This made an incredible difference in my hair.
In this article by Redken, they explain how to spot if your hair needs more protein. https://www.redken.com/blog/haircare/5-signs-your-hair-needs-a-protein-treatment
#2. Check Ingredients
Do your products contain tons of harsh alcohol? This particular ingredient is one that I took notice of. Without naming any certain product, I had a solid month of horrible hair days. I soon realized that one particular product I had been using was filled with harsh alcohols. It eventually dried my hair out. Once I realized this mistake, it went in the trash. I will not make that mistake again!
Bad Alcohols for Curly Hair

#3. Controls and Variables
Remember to introduce only one new product at a time in your routine. It is tempting to use everything at once, but in the end you will not be able to determine which product did what. The next time you purchase curly hair products, try one at a time. This will cut out so much guesswork!!
#4. Trim your hair
This is major! Ladies, please keep those ends trimmed. Your curls will thank you for it. Every few months set an appointment for a trim. Watch how well your curls respond to regular trips to the beautician!

#5. Save your receipts
Hang on to those receipts ladies!! Buying all of the newest curly hair products is exciting! However, it gets expensive. There is nothing worse than having twenty different kinds of creams and gels just sitting in your bathroom cabinet that do not work. Save your receipts, and take those products back. Most stores will not have any issues with your return as long as you show a receipt.
#6. Always use a gel
The use of gel is crucial! Above all, you need to incorporate it into your curly hair routine. The gel typically will be used during the final step of the product application. Similarly to a top coat of nail polish, the gel seals and protects the underneath products. This is essential for extending the life of your curls. Essentially, the gel is going to lock in your curl creams and lessen your worries of curl fall. If you’re concerned about crunchy hair, do not let that fake news bother you. Crunch is a good thing! Once your hair is completely dry, that crunch can be scrunched away. Beautiful soft curls will be left, without all of the crispiness.
#7. Diffuse your hair
If you haven’t diffused your curls, its time to do it now! I could kick myself for not trying this method until last year. The correct way to begin diffusing your hair is by starting at the roots and finishing with the ends. The heat will set your curls, prevent them from falling straight and gives tons of volume. Give it a shot, if you haven’t yet! The video below saved my hair’s life!
#8. Use a pick
After your curls are dry, bend your head forward and use a pick to fluff out those roots. The pick will lift the hair stuck to your scalp and give maximum volume. My favorite pick is one I bought from Sallybeauty.com
#9. Take Hair Selfies
You may or may not love selfies, but taking a few photos of your hair each week is a great way to document progress. You can look back and remind yourself that the hard work was worth it!

#10. Be patient
Everyone wants and expects immediate results. Above all, have patience with your hair and yourself. It took an enormous amount of patience for me to manage through this past year. Some days I wanted to give up on my crazy hair. I suggest experimenting with your products. Give yourself a break and let your curls do their magic. It will happen!
For more curly hair tips and product recommendations check this out!!