• The Loss of a pet
    Terrah's Fables


    By Dara Pena A story of love, loss and healing through the eyes of my child. It was hard not to look away from his golden, sunshine eyes contrasting against his midnight fur. They say only dogs can really look into your eyes, but I disagree. My feline could gaze into my soul and know exactly what I was thinking. Even though I couldn’t talk to him and receive an answer, we still had a connection. It wasn’t my friends, my teachers or my parents, but it was him who taught me how to forgive. Opening my eyes to a caliginous kitten on Christmas morning was a day I will…

  • Terrah's Fables

    The Sister Tales

    Sometimes things aren’t exactly as they seem. Growing up alongside two other girls and my mother certainly felt like a full house. In our rather small middle-class home, a throwdown was instigated by one of us every morning. Feminine products, hot rollers, lipstick, and rapid sequential showers filled our mornings and led to some serious girl fights. Most of the time we ran around the house like four wild gypsies. Our faithful leader, my mother, resembled more of an older sister. She was admittedly at times immature. I am the oldest girl, the bossiest and maybe the most selfish. My two younger sisters had very contrasting personalities. The middle sister…